Dogs New Zealand


NZKC Rally-O is recognised as an official dog sport code by the New Zealand Kennel Club


Some of the links in this section will take you to websites not owned or operated by Dogs New Zealand. Dogs NZ is not responsible for the condition of these links or the information they provide. If you would like to report an issue with one of these links or the information displayed please contact us at (click here) and we will investigate the issue.

Dogs New Zealand

Dogs NZ


The Dogs NZ Dog Obedience Committee


Central Region NZKC Rally-O

The NZKC Agility Committee

The Dogs NZ Agility Committee

The Southland Dog Training Club

The Southland Dog Training Club

Photographers A Dozen Dogs, Animals In Action and Matilda von Rijnbeck have supplied us with some amazing photos of dogs doing Rally-O.

Copyright 2024 Dogs NZ Rally-O Subcommittee

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