Frequently Asked Questions
We've done our best to create a website that anticipates and satisfies the needs of those interested in Dogs NZ Rally-O. With that goal in mind, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you do not find an answer to your question here, contact us at by clicking here.
- Where can I learn about Rally-O?
Contact your local dog training club and see if they offer Rally-O training. You will find the contact details of all recognised clubs on the Dogs NZ website.
- How do I know which class to enter?
Use the Entry Flowchart to help you.
- Can I enter Rally-O if I am not a member of the New Zealand Kennel Club?
Yes, non-Dogs NZ members can enter Rally-O Ribbon Trials and Championship events but you must be a member of a recognised Dogs NZ Club. However, you cannot be awarded an Dogs NZ Rally-O title.
- How do I apply for my dog’s Dogs NZ Rally-O title?
Apply in writing to the Member Support Team/Registry Enquiries at Dogs New Zealand (Private Bag 50903, Porirua 5240). Include your dog’s three qualifying certificates. These will be returned along with your dog’s title certificate. As a precaution, you might like to photocopy your qualifying certificates before you post them. Click here to view an example of an application letter.