Dogs New Zealand


NZKC Rally-O is recognised as an official dog sport code by the New Zealand Kennel Club

Frequently Asked Questions

We've done our best to create a website that anticipates and satisfies the needs of those interested in Dogs NZ Rally-O. With that goal in mind, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you do not find an answer to your question here, contact us at by clicking here.

  • Where can I learn about Rally-O?
    Contact your local dog training club and see if they offer Rally-O training. You will find the contact details of all recognised clubs on the Dogs NZ website.
  • How do I know which class to enter?
    Use the Entry Flowchart to help you.
  • Can I enter Rally-O if I am not a member of the New Zealand Kennel Club?
    Yes, non-Dogs NZ members can enter Rally-O Ribbon Trials and Championship events but you must be a member of a recognised Dogs NZ Club. However, you cannot be awarded an Dogs NZ Rally-O title.
  • How do I apply for my dog’s Dogs NZ Rally-O title?
    Apply in writing to the Member Support Team/Registry Enquiries at Dogs New Zealand (Private Bag 50903, Porirua 5240). Include your dog’s three qualifying certificates. These will be returned along with your dog’s title certificate. As a precaution, you might like to photocopy your qualifying certificates before you post them. Click here to view an example of an application letter.
Many Dogs NZ obedience clubs and some agility clubs offer Rally-O training. Image supplied by Matilda von Rijnbeck
Non Dogs NZ members can participate in NZKC Rally-O. Image supplied by Animals in Action

Photographers A Dozen Dogs, Animals In Action and Matilda von Rijnbeck have supplied us with some amazing photos of dogs doing Rally-O.

Copyright 2024 Dogs NZ Rally-O Subcommittee

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